Monday, August 19, 2013

Garden Update and squash bug fury

Just a quick shot of my beautiful garden beds with plants abounding!

We've had some trouble with learning process' and soil, this summer, but I'll get into those later.

I grew my first squash this year. I love summer squash boiled and smashed with cream cheese.


I was able to harvest 5 beautiful large squash from two of my plants before the one on the west side of the bed just.... Died. Out of the blue with a half squash grown, it was shriveled and wilted overnight. OVERNIGHT! I kid you not. I have no idea what happened.

The second, east side squash plant was eventually overrun with squash bugs. Little pesky bitches. I fought the good fight, dutifully going out every evening and hunting those little fuckers down and squashing them and their eggs. Every. Day. So, needless to say when I found a cluster of squash bug eggs that I had missed, I threw a hissy fit/personal tantrum. Ugh they are the Bain of my existence.  

I really did my research this summer too. I asked every gardener I knew, what is the solution? I tried many things this summer, every suggestion I've heard. 

Cayenne pepper
Red chile powder
Diotomatious earth
Organic spray
Blending up and smearing their carcasses on the plant
Planting hot peppers around
Daily hunting

Nothing worked. 

At least once a week I found new babies. At least twice a month I found hatched eggs. Daily, I found adults and multiple egg clusters. The damn bugs were laying eggs on my green chile plants! Under the leaves and on the actual peppers! 

What. The. Fuck.

I hate these bugs. 

Any suggestions? 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


My son bit his tongue. Hard!!!

Uggghhhh the pictures just don't even do it justice. It's gruesome! The poor boy! 

He fell off the pla climber outside. 

There is flappy chunk of skin hanging off. Eeeweww. I could never have been a nurse. Lol