Saturday, April 27, 2013

Garden beds 2013 FINISHED!

Oh my wonderful garden beds are DONE! Woooooo! Now the fun begins! (I thought building them was fun too, but you only build them once) my husband did an amazing job, of building and improvising. (So far in writing this two sentence blog, I've been asked to get up 5 times by my son, can I get any peace?!? No. )

We put the fence up this past weekend which means I can finally start planting! I have to have a fence around all growing vegetation or my golden retriever will eat it. Bitch.
Woo hoo! Time to start planting!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Beautiful dirt

 Finally! The last step to finishing the garden beds has come.... We have dirt!!

We are spending our weekend unloading thanks beautiful soul into my freshly built beds, and I'm SO excited! 

One step closer to being done and planting! Woohoo!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Seedling updates!

Man these little suckers are growing!


We were having multiple issues with our lighting throughout the house. I had all the seedlings on top of my 'ghetto gardening' stack in our south facing bedroom. It was great! Until I started running out of sunlight. I started putting a tray of plants in every possible window opening available, some I was moving twice a day to get optimal amounts of sun. Then, the sun 'moved'. My full south windows were getting inches of sunlight throughout the day. The plants towards the inside were starting to look sad and wilty. I wanted the hubs to build me one, but time was of the essence (so dramatic!) and he is remodeling a bathroom.


My mom purchased one of these little greenhouses for drying her lavender. I thought it would be perfect for what I needed. I bought one from Lowes and we took off our door leading to the roof deck and set it up right in front. The door faces east and gets amazing morning sun, around noon I figured I'd just take the greenhouse out on the roof deck I for afternoon sun. This has worked out great. Although the green house is a little flimsy, I figure it will do fine for one spring and then we'll (he'll) build me a permanent one. :)


Four different types of peppers, tomatoes, onions, eggplants, cilantro and basil.


This little sucker got whipped around in some wind before I got the greenhouse. He's making a mighty recovery.