The tree on the far right is where last years garden, it blocked a lot of light from my plants. The dogs will be able to have that area back for themselves.
The first bed is almost up! It took a lot of arguing to get him to make these garden beds 'my way', which is the easy way. I love him but he over analyses things too much and doesn't know how to do anything half assed. My last planter bed he built (while gorgeous and tougher than a tornado) cost $200 and took 2 months to build. It was only 3' x 10'. I really do enjoy simple and quick rewards. So when he said he needed to till, level, dig out where the beds would go and string level before building them, I let out a swift 'oh hell no!' Thats a lot of time and work, and I had expectations as to how fast I thought they should be built. I won and we had 3 planters done by the end of the day. Yay! I expect these planters to last me at least 5 years. Hopefully longer. Besides the posts and top soil, they will all be built on free materials. Woo hoo!!
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