Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fairy garden: newest addition

I have blocked off an area for the fairy garden. We cleared out the grass, laid down landscape fabric and began placing the cinder block walls around it. I'm really excited to get the project rolling but also don't want to rush it. My husband naturally thought this was the silliest idea and didn't understand the point. (That there really isn't one except for self amusement, pleasure and entertainment?) but as I started telling him my ideas and asking for his advice, I could tell he was enjoying himself, just a little. ;0) I liked the idea of containing the garden to a small space so as not to get overwhelmed or out of control. I don't want it to look tacky or trashy. I intend to plant small plants and succulents in the brick tops, and possibly cover the cinder with rock veneer. It's a ways down the road.

My step father gave me an adorable resin fairy door with matching windows and a light for Christmas. (SO CUTE!) I have been anxious to use them but was unsure of the fairy gardens location until recently. So after clearing the area this weekend and prepping it the 'right' way, I was able to put them up......

(See the Easter egg hiding in there? The hunt for Easter eggs was repeated multiple times this weekend. )

I had ordered an adorable dollhouse patio table and chairs to go to the left of the door, but the eBay seller had to cancel my order due to being in the hospital. I'm so bummed! I can't find another one like it! I'm also thinking of making a nice little lamp post/hanger for the light. I'd like it to go above the door.

The tree is a non fruit bearing cherry. It just bloomed its beautiful pink flowers and it made me excited to see it bloom next year with a (possibly) completed fairy garden underneath!

It's got a long way to go, but I'm so happy to be getting started. I love it!

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